Sunday, April 8, 2012

How to save content from SBC3.0

First, go to content manager and Create a new art kit
Name your kit something meaningful.  I like to put "CM" before all my kits so they'll be in the same area of my content in Finder/Windows Explorer

See.  Now your new kit is there.  Now let's export some content.

I usually insert all the pieces of a kit at once and then save them and delete them as I go.  For the purposes of this tutorial, I'm just going to show you one piece, which I'll save as a *.png.
Now I right click on the element and select "Save as Content".  If you do "Save Selection" you can save it as a *.png file, but it will have a white background.  Doing it as "Save as content" should give you the transparent background you need for scrapping.
A copyright notice will pop up.  Please use these kits for yourself only.  HTSOM does not support piracy.  Select "OK".

1) Select the folder you just make to save your element in.  2) Save it as an embellishment 3) Name your element.  Here, I've called it the same thing CM calls it, but you might want to call it CM Discover Buds or something so that if it gets separated from its file, you still know where it belongs. 4) Save it as a png file and 5) ensure the highest quality is used.

Now, in Windows Explorer, you can navigate to the folder you created and get your pieces to the kit and use them in whichever scrapbooking program you want. 

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